Monday, March 1, 2010

Interest rates and property values on the rise again!

There is an old painting which depicts a very elderly man on a walking stick with a caption along the lines of the “young man who waited for the price of homes to come down “.
The television national news during the week reported rapidly rising prices particularly in the Metro markets with buyer confidence increasing and with many investors moving from shares to property once again. This is resulting in many first home buyers having left it too late to get into the market, exasperated by home loan affordability becoming increasingly difficult with the Reserve Bank increasing interest rates by .25% this week.

Always seek qualified professional financial advice before making any financial decisions, but a simple reality is that if you can afford it , the sooner you get into the market the sooner you can be on the way to owning your first home.

The first home owners grant is still available . For further information call us.

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