Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thinking of Selling ?

Now is a great time to get a free home appraisal.
In fact , one executive home we listed this week sold in less than 24 hours !

If you are thinking of selling , we will offer you sound advice on the right pricing strategy and the best way to present your home for sale to get a fantastic result , as quickly as possible and on the terms you want.

Preparing your property well can make an enormous difference to the end sale result , so here are some general points for you to consider …

Make the property feel inviting

Buyers (even investors) like to imagine they’d enjoy living in a property, so make it easy for them to feel good about your place. Gentle music, a fragrant oil burner and a few scattered cushions can make all the difference on inspection day. The power of emotion is amazing. Perhaps even hire some modern furnishings, or whatever suits the style of your property to create that perfect package.

Less is more
Clear the clutter. It will make it easier to keep the property tidy for inspections and rooms will feel more spacious to buyers.

Let the sun shine in
Everyone loves sunshine when they are looking to buy, so open up blinds and curtains for inspections. We have never had a buyer complain of too much sun !

Fix outstanding repairs
Especially visible ones. Even the smallest of problems can make buyers wary about other less obvious issues. So it’s best to fix what buyers will see and make the property appear well cared for.

Clean up lawns and gardens plus remove rubbish
This may seem self explanatory, yet it’s often the garden that is last on the list of things to do. If you’ve spent time and money with your property’s presentation, a small investment in finishing off gardens can be extremely worthwhile. Remember we live in a beautiful part of the world where the outdoor areas can be just as valuable as indoors for many buyers.

For more information on selling your property for the maximum price with the minimum of fuss, call one of our 2010 RER (Australasia) award winning sales negotiators.
You’ll see the difference the right advice can make .


Wes Davidson .